Ginny's Addition the FSU Post
Ginny's addition to the Initial FSU Post. The last sentence in her post is telling.
I am reminded of FSU football, constantly, that I should never have anything even remotely big happen in my life during the fall, otherwise no one will notice it. Mark and I scheduled our September 2004 wedding so that it would not conflict with any of the FSU football games. We found a weekend that they had a bi-week and planned for then, even though it was the day before an historically tragic day, September 11. Unfortunately for us, but in accordance with my “Hamburger B” luck, one of FSU’s previous games was cancelled due to Hurricane Charley, I believe, and was rescheduled for what other day than September 10th! Luckily it was in the afternoon, so everyone attended our sealing in the Salt Lake City temple in the morning, but were scarce at our reception. Everyone was up in the barn where someone had found a small TV, watching the FSU game.
The only other memories I have were of finding a beer soaked pom-pom at one of the games, and I think I put it in my hair, since that is what everyone else was doing. YUCK! There was the BYU vs FSU game at the Jacksonville Jaguar stadium, that we all went to see when Jared had just returned from his mission, and the guy sitting behind us splashed beer onto my back. We were frightened to drive home because of all the drunken people that were driving home. OH, we sat on the FSU side. Was that morally wrong to do? Anyway, I also remember all the Christmas’ receiving FSU shirts, and was excited one year that I got the She-ra underwear and tank for Christmas istead. I think I have had my fill of football, and that’s why I don’t like it very much, but Mark and I rarely miss an FSU game. It just doesn’t feel right to be doing something else when I know everyone else is watching the FSU game.
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